I keep writing that this is my biggest downfall. This weekend I couldn't get out of bed I was so sick. I get so run down. Siobhan was sleeping all day because she worked the nights and I had no one. Absolutley no one. My family hardly calls - they act as if nothing is wrong. I have no friends to depend on when the chips are down. And my beloved children were at there cousins all weekend. It's Sunday night at 8:46 PM and I am waiting for them to come home. They are about 2 miles away but I feel as if they were a continent away.
I wait for Sonny to bark announcing that someone has pulled in the driveway but it doesn't come. My wife left for work. Thank God she does work or we would be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I just feel lost when she is gone. With the children gone I feel destitute. I admit I need my rest sometimes and I have a hard time watching them but we manage. I'm so tired I can't wait to go to bed. Please help me God.