This past Thursday my son graduated from Kindergarten and yesterday my daughter graduated from Elementary School. Getting to Thursday's event was not too hard but I was dragging Friday morning. It would be a ceremony over teo hours long and a reception with a DJ after.
My son's graduation was fun and cute, His teacher told me that she forgot to tell my wife that my son excells in reading. She also commented how much he has grown thoughout the year and how she now sees the fun-loving child we told her he was at the beginning of the year. In September she was worried that he was shy - Not my son! Wrong kid I thought. My daughter yes, but bot my son. He chose McDonalds for dinner but we forgot to tell him that the party would be tomorrow night along with his sister's. We all went to bed early.
Aidan woke up crying, "My special day is over!" My wife explained how we are getting a Star Wars cake (Sara didn't care) that had their names on it and he could pick out a video as a gift. Subway was the menu choice of Sara so that got him even more excited. She also told him that they were celebrating summer birthdays in his class that day. His is in August.
Sara's graduation statred at 9:00 AM with a video of baby pictures and updated pictures of all the 4 graduating classes - yes FOUR classes. The town has built a new school for next year! We have 6 elementary schools now I think. It was a humid day so I dressed in my khaki pants and new short sleeve dress shirt that Siobhan had bought me. I wore my sneakers since I knew I would be in my wheelchair anyway.
It was a beautiful ceremony and Sara was among the STAR students as they call them. The students have to have so many A's and a certain GPA. She looked beautiful in her dress and heels. I was so proud of my princess. After graduation there was a party with a DJ at the Marriott but we were late. Our friend's father passed out at school and Siobhan the nurse came to the rescue. The school nurse was unsure of what to do as she only deals with kids. Apparently he had a cardiac episode. The doctors told them that Siobhan probably saved his life.
We got to the party and not a single male parent would talk to me. A few of the women I know who work on committees with Siobhan felt bad and came over as I sat there by myself. It was still wonderful to see my daughter dancing with her Mom and her friends. More important than graduation was the fact that the Fifth book in the Harry Potter series came out today. She was up early to snatch one up.
I felt real odd at the party and it was not like I could get around and start a conversation my self. I was very hurt but tried bot to let that ruin the joy of the occassion. I waited till bedtime to cry.