![]() Multi System Atrophy and My Story was designed to provide a better understanding of this rare disorder. Everyday someone asks me what Multi System Atrophy (or MSA or Multiple System Atrophy) is and it's hard to explain. In my case I started off with symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, which progressed more rapidly as the months went on. I left work on Long Term Disability in late July 2000 after being Diagnosed with PD (Parkinson's Disease) on February 20, 2000. The stage that many Parkinson's patients reach over many years I had managed to "achieve" in a short period of time. Even very few folks with PD understand MSA. My newest addition is to my journal - I've added a blog. Go to my Journal Page and click on the BLOG button I am constantly amazed at the number of people that visit this site. I am adding new information as I am physically able and as I find it. I have updated the Research Page. I also love hearing from folks so here is my latest email address My New Email. I hide the email address form spammers. Please keep me aware of new news, research and anything you may find interesting. It saddens me that there are not more organizations devoted to MSA and the development of a cure. For now we have to keep praying for developments in the treatment and cure of Parkinson's Disease. My wife and I have been happily answering email. Even though I am on Hospice as of Feb 2005 please keep emailing. We love it and hope we can be of help. This site had 2000 hits last month and the number of email we receive is surprising. I have added a link on the side to sign up for our mailing list. A chat room has been added at Yahoo - the link is also in the left column. We need to arrange a day, time and frequency of regularly scheduled chats. –Tim Foley
Important Links and NotesPlease read these new additions to the webMD Virtual University - MSANorthwest Parkinson's Foundation - One couple's Struggle and hope for AdvocacyThe Beginning A wonderful ongoing story by a dear friend about her fight with PD and her friend's battle with MSA.The NEW Message Board - PLEASE DON'T USE THIS FOR SPAM. This is a terribly serious illness. We don't have time to spend removing spam. Old messages will arcived soon!
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